Our School » School Policies

School Policies

Student Dress Code and Uniform Policy

Research (A Program of Union Pacific Foundation; Education Research ;  Statistic Brain) shows that school uniforms support a safe and disciplined learning environment, which is the first requirement of any good school. As of April 4, 2019, Valerio’s Local School Leadership Council made a decision to implement school uniform policy at Valerio Street Elementary School. Valerio Uniform Policy will be in effect as of August 15, 2019.


School Uniform Policy will promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment.The benefits of school uniforms include:

  • Decreasing violence and theft
  • Instilling student with discipline
  • Helping parents and students resist peer pressure
  • Helping students concentrate on their school work
  • Helping school officials recognize intruders who come to the school
  • Making children feel equal to their peers, in terms of appearance
  • Promoting a sense of school pride


Valerio Street School Uniform Policy
Pants –navy, khakis, black, or jeans
Skirts or skorts – black, navy, or tan
Shirts –navy blue, light blue, gray or Valerio shirt
Solid colored jackets are preferred
Shoes or sneakers – shoes/sneakers must fit securely on the foot. Socks are required.
 The following is not allowed:
  • Elevated shoes
  • Wheelies
  • Shoes on heels
  • Shoes with open toes
  • Backless shoes (flip flops, sandals)
  • Shoes with lights or sounds
  • Dance shoes
  • Long earrings
  • Logos  on the shirts
  • Acrylic or polished nails
  • Distracting hairstyles (ex: mohawks, colored hair)
Valerio Street Elementary will strive to achieve full compliance through the use of positive reinforcement measures. No student will be considered non-compliant with the uniform policy in the following instances:
  • When the students’ parent or guardian has secured an exemption from the school policy.
  • When a field trip or school event may require specialized clothing
Please notify the school in writing at the beginning of the year if your child has a medical condition or religious reason that requires a modification of the dress code.
Uniforms can be purchased at a variety of retailers including, but not limited to, Old Navy, SAM’s Club, Sears, Target, Walmart, GAP, K-Mart and most department stores. 
Please be advised that all clothing is subject to administrator’s approval.
Families, who are experiencing financial difficulties, will be assisted in purchasing school uniforms. Please contact Ms. Magaji, Parent Community Representative, for more information.

Click here for an English/ Spanish copy

school uniform

Cell Phone Policy
Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Devices by Students
Student cell phone misuse has become an almost daily occurrence and a disruption to the learning environment.  We understand many parents want their students to have cell phones for a variety of reasons, and we have tried to accommodate that. However, many students abuse this privilege. 
Research shows that cell phones can be distracting in classroom settings and can affect students in multiple ways. Cell phone use among students, including the mere presence of a phone, can negatively impact academic performance. Also, with phone use in school, issues related to social media, such as cyberbullying, can negatively affect emotional well-being of students.
Please be aware that the following policy was created and approved by Valerio’s School Site Council on May 16, 2019
Definition: Paging and signaling equipment devices include, but are not limited to, cellular telephones with or without text messaging, pagers, camera phones, smartphones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), tablets, iPads, smartwatches and other wearable computing devices.
General Guidelines: 
  • Students are permitted to possess cellular phones, pagers, or electronic signaling devices on campus provided that any such device remains “off” and stored in a backpack not only during normal school hours, but also before and after school.
  • Students are not permitted to use cellular phones, pagers, or electronic signaling devices on school premises unless there is an emergency.
  • Students must comply anytime a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of a cellular telephone, pager, or other electronic signaling device before, during and after school.
  • If such a device is observed by staff, before, during and after school hours or activities, it shall be confiscated until redeemed by a parent/guardian/caregiver or as determined by the school principal/designee.
    • First Violation: The cell phone will be confiscated and returned back only to the parent.
    • Second Violation:  The cell phone will be confiscated until the end of the last day of school.
  1. An exception to this policy may be granted by the site administrator for purposes relating to the health needs of a student.
Students and parents are to be advised of this prohibition annually, and are to be advised that the District is not responsible for students’ lost or stolen cell phones or pagers.
Staff Responsibility for Confiscated Cellular Phones or Other Electronic Devices: 
  • District employees who take actual possession of any personal property of a student, with the intention of returning it at a later time, have the responsibility to ensure that the property is placed in a properly secured and locked location.
  • A log noting an accurate description of the device will be maintained of items placed in or removed from the secured and locked location.
  • Access should be limited to an administrator or designee.
Click here for an English/ Spanish copy


Visitor's Policy


  • Request an appointment for a visitation date/time and obtain the principal/designee’s approval
    • Appointments should be scheduled for the date and time requested if possible.
    • A copy of the school’s bell schedule should be provided to the visitors
  • Complete a visitor’s permit before proceeding to the classroom.
    • Office personnel will ensure that visitor is aware of the sign in and out procedures
  • Determine the classroom activity you are observing and keep the classroom observation time and frequency reasonable
    • Classroom visitations should be no longer than 20 minutes
  • Follow the school’s procedures for scheduling an appointment with the teacher and/or principal/designee after the classroom visit, if needed.
    • Office personnel will provide a form for visitors to write a request for an appointment with a staff member
  • Return the visitor’s permit to the school office before leaving the campus
  • Sign out in the visitor’s log


  • Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible
  • Do not converse with the students, teacher, and/or instructional assistants during the visitation
  • Do not interfere with any school activity during the visitation

Please be advised that adults and minors over 16 years of age who enter a school campus and fail to adhere to the above Visitor’s Policy may be reported to the appropriate police agency and may be subject to criminal charges.

Click here for an English/ Spanish Copy